Southern Valley champ Hunt also sets state record

Friday, May 24, 2024

OMAHA, Neb. — Southern Valley coach Richard McDonald provided more details about Class D state champions Adi Hunt and Ann Bose.

“t was great to see Adi and Ann have good days at the track. For Ann it just another accomplishment in a great high school career.

It was something we knew going on that she had a shot at doing and being a competitor when the time came. I was really happy for her. Adi had an amazing track meet.

The first jump was 17’11” and from there she just settled in.

In the 100 she broke the state and meet record in prelims. Broke school record that she had in the 400. Broke the 200 school record in finals and ended. As the meet went on she seemed to get stronger and more confident.

I’m really happy to see the hard work pay off for her.”

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