Nelson anniversary (2/13/25)60th anniversary CURTIS, Neb. - The family of Stan and Jackie Nelson of Curtis, Neb. is requesting a card shower in honor of the couple’s 60th wedding anniversary on Friday, Feb. 21, 2025. They were married Feb. 21, 1965 in Curtis, Neb. Their family includes children, Rick and Debbie Nelson from Dillon, Colo.; and Peggy and Kevin Fritsche from Maywood, Neb. They have four grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren, with a third one on the way...
Harris anniversary (2/6/25)50th anniversary McCOOK, Neb. - The family of Gary and Karla Harris of McCook, Neb. is requesting a card shower in honor of the couple’s 50th wedding anniversary on Friday, Feb. 14, 2025. They were married Feb. 14, 1975 in McCook, Neb. Their family includes : son Justin and wife Kaylynn Harris and their children Wyatt, Lane, Jax and Gemma of McCook, Neb.; daughter Jamie and husband Dan Stitt and their children Allie and Tyler, also of McCook...
Graves anniversary (1/24/25)65th Anniversary McCOOK, Neb. - The family of Dr. William and Sandra Graves is requesting a card shower in honor of the couple’s 65th wedding anniversary on Sunday, Jan. 26, 2025. Cards of congratulations will reach them at: 1313 Country Club Drive McCook, NE 69001...
Wiemers birthday (1/30/25)80th birthday The family of Delores Wiemers is requesting a card shower for her 80th birthday on Feb. 3, 2025. Delores and Gene are former McCook residents. Their children are the late Jeff and Laurie Wiemers of Battle Creek and family, Greg and Kara and family, Chris and Mackenzie and family, all of Omaha...
Sughroue birthday (1/30/25)90th birthday The family of Margaret Sughroue would like to celebrate her 90th birthday on Febr. 2, 2025, with a card shower. Marge’s family includes five daughters, Pam (Rich) Eckstein of Linwood, Neb.; Gail (Russ) Craig of Omaha, Neb.; Karen Weidner of Madison, Neb.; Nancy (Rich) Case of Omaha, Neb.; and Mary Pavel of Omaha, Neb...