College OKs salaries, other big-ticket items at Valentine meeting

Thursday, May 23, 2024

VALENTINE, Neb. — A number of routine but big-ticket items were approved by the Mid-Plains Community College board of governors, meeting Wednesday in Valentine.

They approved bills totaling $2,301,842.82 for April, and decided to greenlight a five-year contract for Jenzabar as a Service (JaaS) cloud fees, amounting to $2,241,779.

The board sanctioned the purchase of athletic insurance for $99,900 and catastrophic insurance for $5,433, and a liability insurance premium of $681,706 for the forthcoming fiscal year from the Nebraska Community College Insurance Trust.

The Board accepted a bid of $74,405.40 from Commercial Source Industries (CSI) to replace furniture in Brooks Hall and North Platte Community College-North Campus housing.

Additionally, the president was authorized to negotiate and finalize a five-year bookstore contract with BibliU, ensuring efficient bookstore services.

Following a closed session, the Board emerged into open session at 8:07 p.m. to approve a new contract for MPCC President Ryan Purdy, entailing a term commencing July 1, 2024, and concluding on June 30, 2027, accompanied by a 4% salary increment. His current salary, approved last year, was $273,000 for 2023-26.

The Board sanctioned non-negotiated increases in total compensation of 4.25% for the upcoming academic year. Moreover, they approved an adjunct instructor compensation rate of $915 per credit hour.

Under consent items, the Board acknowledged the resignation of Layne Sarvela, chemistry instructor, effective May 15.

Looking ahead, the Board announced their next meeting scheduled for July 17 at 6:30 p.m. in McCook.

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