Pillen raises $2.1 million in first year in office

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

LINCOLN, Neb.. — Nebraska Governor Jim Pillen's administration has marked a significant milestone, announcing an unprecedented fundraising achievement during his inaugural year in office. In a press release today, Governor Pillen revealed that his campaign amassed an astounding $2.1 million in cash contributions over the course of the past year, setting a new record for gubernatorial fundraising in Nebraska.

The remarkable sum was sourced from 875 contributors, with an overwhelming majority—92%—hailing from within the Cornhusker State itself. Notably, nearly half of the contributors were new supporters, underscoring Pillen's ability to galvanize fresh backing for his conservative agenda.

This fundraising feat coincides with a momentous first year for the Pillen-Kelly administration, characterized by a series of significant policy achievements. Among the highlights cited by Governor Pillen are the enactment of the most fiscally conservative budget in Nebraska's history, critical investments in water and public safety infrastructure, a hard-won victory for school choice advocates, the passage of Constitutional Carry legislation, and landmark victories on pro-life and child protection issues.

Expressing gratitude for the overwhelming support, Governor Pillen remarked, "I am humbled by the outpouring of support from so many Nebraskans." He credited the state's farmers, ranchers, and business leaders for rallying behind his conservative coalition, emphasizing his commitment to advancing a smaller, more efficient government, bolstering public safety, and upholding a culture of life rooted in faith, hope, and love.

Looking ahead, Pillen affirmed that his administration's priorities remain steadfastly focused on "kids, taxes, agriculture, and values."

As the Jim Pillen for Governor campaign concludes its 2023 reporting period, it boasts an impressive war chest of over $2 million in cash reserves, signaling continued momentum and support for Governor Pillen's vision for Nebraska's future.

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