Letter to the Editor

An open letter to State Senator ‘Benedict’ Riepe

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Senator Riepe, do you not know the adage that a hero dies but once, while the coward dies a thousand deaths? Rest assured that Nebraskan Republicans will make certain you suffer a political end far more merciful than the fate your cowardly deceit has sealed for thousands of preborn Nebraskan children. A man is as good as his word – and apparently, yours was not worth the legislative paper upon which it was written. Regrettably, we conservatives have learned to expect such treachery from Omaha’s political class – Democrat and Republican.

Congratulations, Senator, on playing to the hilt Nebraska’s pro-life voters. You surely earned those 30 pieces of silver. Omaha’s baby-butchers may well have purchased your soul on the cheap; but know this, sir: in four years, come your political judgment day, those same voters you so brazenly betrayed will have the last word. Maybe only then will you regret your 11th-hour bargain with the Devil. So, you have four years to further refine your duplicitous political skills. Four years that shall quickly slip away – almost as fast as did your credibility. Perhaps there are more than a few like-minded empty souls with whom you conspire to hatch legislative mischief. I pray not; but even if so, be it known that a new breed of Republican is rising up through the ranks of the NE-GOP: We don’t surrender – and we don’t give political quarter to those who plot treachery against us while feigning to bear our standard.

Fool us once, shame on you – fool us twice, shame on us.

We in the pro-life movement may have lost this battle, Senator, but our resolve remains rock solid – and we will win the war – even if it means waiting until you are but a footnote in history. Posterity tends to honor its heroes, those who fight for moral principle and defend innocent human life, while it scorns the traitor. Thus, Senator Riepe, you shall be remembered as a shadow of a man, who prized political expediency over integrity. As went the legacy of Judas Iscariot and General Benedict Arnold, yours shall ever be synonymous with dishonor and betrayal.

Bruce Desautels

Chairman, Hitchcock County Republican Party

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  • Whatever Senator Riepe did, if Bruce is against it, it must be the right thing.. We've seen the Trump America, and it is anti-Democratic (trying to overturn a US election)..

    -- Posted by haneyg on Wed, May 3, 2023, at 2:05 PM
  • So being a bold faced liar, going against what you promised and your constituents who voted for you is a good thing? And thus, you are indeed what's wrong with today's society.

    -- Posted by FNLYHOME on Wed, May 3, 2023, at 3:09 PM
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