McCook girls engulf 'Maids with good defense

Thursday, January 19, 2023
McCook senior Gracie Wiemers’ intense defense forced Lexington to aim elsewhereTuesday night.
R.B. Headley/McCook Gazette

McCOOK, Neb. — Few teams have a snowball’s chance when they hit one second-half basket, and McCook Bison defense really was that good Tuesday night.

The Bison girls finished on a 17-0 run covering more than one quarter of their 45-10 triumph over Lexington.

“They (Lex) are a fast team and a young team,” coach Amy Scheil observed about her team’s most domiant win so far this season. “They got some good shots that didn’t go down. But I thought defense was very good tonight.”

Defense, rebounding and teamwork all helped the Bison (5-7) avoid any upsets from 0-14 Lexington.

Senior Kennedy Walter’s slashing, driving shots sparked the offense.

Both she and classmate Shawna Wilkinson matched the Lex total with 10 points apiece.

“Shawna’s offense starts because of her defense,” Scheil said. “Plus she’s providing good leadership both on and off the court.”

Sophomore Brooklyn Gillen shot 80 percent on a pre-blizzard night where offenses didn’t stay hot.

Another key was limiting frosty shots off the glass, and Bison senior Gracie Wiemers secured seven big rebounds.

“I thought our rebounding was much better than the last couple of games,” the coach confirmed. “And we did a good job of sharing the ball, getting everyone involved.”

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