City Council approval sought for construction manage process

Friday, December 30, 2022

McCOOK, Neb. — The McCook City Council will be asked to approve a resolution allowing the city to hire a construction manager to consult on the construction of the new city swimming pool, on Tuesday, Jan. 3, 2023, at city council chambers at the Municipal Building.

The city first used the construction management at risk (CMAR) construction method for the new municipal facility. The method helped to keep that project on track and within budget, according to the city manager’s report. The construction manager would be a company with experience with swimming pools and will determine the guaranteed maximum price. If the project exceeds the guaranteed price, the construction manager, not the city, would be financially liable, hence the “at risk” component.

If the council approves of the resolution Tuesday night, the council will be asked at the Jan. 16 council meeting to approve a Request for Proposals in order to find a construction manager for the project.

Other items on the regular agenda are to review the city’s current Construction Management at Risk policy, which was adopted by the city for the construction of the municipal building and to discuss any updates to the pool and ballpark projects.

Consent agenda items for Tuesday night, that are approved together in one motion unless an item is pulled by a council member or member of the public for a separate vote, are:

- Approve the renewal of maintenance agreement No. 17 between the Nebraska Department of Transportation and the Municipality of McCook and authorize the mayor to sign.- Authorize the mayor to sign the Certificate of Compliance for the 2022 Maintenance Agreement between the City of McCook and the Nebraska Department of Transportation.- Approve the specifications for the 2023 Crack Sealing Project and set the time and date of bid at 2:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 31, 2023.

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