Letter to the Editor

Post office improvements

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Dear Editor,

I recently attended a gathering in St. Louis, Mo., sponsored by the United Postmasters and Managers of America. I was honored to represent McCook as one of more than 1200 other local postal leaders gathered from all around the nation.

One of the highlights of the conference was a keynote by Postmaster General Louis DeJoy. He addressed the ongoing implementation of the Postal Service’s bold and innovative 10-year plan, Delivering for America. The plan lays out a clear vision for improved service and is now being implemented in communities across the country.

The goal of the plan is to invest in our people, modernize our network, provide service excellence, and create financial sustainability.

I’m here to serve and I am honored to be a continued, vital part of this community.

To read how the Postal Service is changing, I encourage you to read the full plan at USPS.COM/DeliveringForAmerica.

Thank you,

Katrina L Frey


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