COVID funds help pay for school projects

Thursday, August 11, 2022

McCOOK, Neb. — The largest expenditure at McCook Public Schools using federal Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Funds (ESSER) was updating HVAC equipment at the Junior High at $901,316.

The HVAC upgrades had been in the works but the school district was still saving money for it, said MPS business manager, Jeff Gross.

Planned expenditures like buses and the HVAC upgrades were able to be paid for by using ESSER funds and the school district was able to re-allocate those expenditures to other projects, such as parking lot improvements and a new track at the high school.

Since 2020, the school district received almost $2 million, or $1,933,295, in three allocations from ESSER. No one from the public spoke at the required public hearing Monday night at the regular McCook School Board meeting on the last of ESSER funds the school district received, $739,295 from ESSER 2 and $1.66 million from ESSER 3.

ESSER 1, the district’s first allocation in 2020, was for $194,000 and used toward pandemic relief. Eligible uses for the ensuing funds include those for disruptions and learning loss due to Covid-19 as well as training, supplies, and educational technology.

How ESSER 2 and 3 were spent, according to the school district’s documents at

ESSER 2 budget, $739,295: This amount has already been received and spent:

Summer school teachers, $48,000

Summer School teacher’s benefits, $7,768

Subs for 20-21 due to covid, $28,779

Summer school paras, $7,075

Custodial, $31,665

Classified benefits, $9,682

Tech asst., $2,301

Cleaning service, summer school, $2,254

Technical Services, (Pine Cove), $25,700: Technology consultants for wireless throughout the district, including wiring, switches, routers.

Operational equipment, $169,653: 450 chrome books, 17 audiovisual projectors and screens, laptops, monitors, online security systems, licensing fees

Supplies, $29,035

HVAC Central, $41,004

Bus, $327,390

Indirect costs, $8,989.

ESSER 3, $1.66 million:

Extended day program, $408,731

Summer school, $204,152

Junior High HVAC project, $901,316

Route Bus/School van, $144,900

Indirect costs, $4,089

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