
Denise McConville

Frolics in Farming

Observations on farm life.


Fun with bottle-fed calves

Thursday, June 9, 2022

INDIANOLA, Neb - The grandkids have always loved to go with Papa Tom to check the cows. From the time they were little, they liked riding in the Ranger and watching the baby calves run and jump with their tails standing up, occasionally knocking each other over in their exuberance.

One wouldn’t think that a 50-pound calf could knock a guy over, but they can be pretty rough and tumble. One even must be careful when bottle feeding as the calf just might “butt” that bottle right into your face! He’s not being mean; he just naturally butts and if your face is in the way, it really hurts!

You can even train a calf to come when you “holler” and it sometimes carries over when they get big. It can be kind of scary to have a 1000-pounder come running at you when it’s feeding time. AARRRGH!

Former 4-H calves can be some of the easiest, yet the worst cattle to work with. Sometimes they can become so docile that they don’t want to be herded and would prefer to just stand there and look at you. Then on the other hand, heifer/cows can either be gentler when calving or know that they aren’t afraid of you and really don’t want you to mess with their baby! Running them through a chute can even be more of a chore because they don’t know why you are doing this to them and they look at you with their soft brown eyes as if to say, “Why me?”

Our kids and grandkids have learned so much about how to take care of animals and hopefully make a profit while doing it. I also think it develops a child with a compassionate heart.

Have a good one!

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