Letter to the Editor

Honest language is key to honest thinking

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Dear Editor,

I have long believed that language must grow and change in order to stay relevant and “alive.” My beef with our language has to do with the way we adopt sometimes silly and/or even grammatically incorrect phrases as our usage changes. I have gotten used to phrases like “going forward,” a dangling verbal grammatical error (Who is going forward?) that replaced “in the future.” But we don’t worry about grammar so long as we make our meaning clear. I often hear “at the end of the day,” which, I guess, replaced “later.” These examples are mildly annoying to me, but not necessarily offensive.

The trendy phrase that drives me nuts, however, is this latest use of the words “food insecurity.” “Food insecurity?” Seriously? That highly euphemistic couple of words has replaced what I consider to be the correct, honest words “hunger” and “starvation.”

“Food insecurity” is more sanitary than “hunger” or “starvation,” but it is insulting to people who suffer from hunger and starvation. It is so stupidly ridiculous, in fact, that it sounds like people who suffer from it may just need a pill to lift their mood, or perhaps how about some psychiatric counseling?

No. To me this phrase is just plain dumb and another example of our taking political correctness, if that’s what this is, waaayyyyy too far. What next? Will phrases like “life-deprived” or “living challenged” take over the word “death?” How about Nazis” being replaced by “race-conscious enthusiasts?” Honestly, I wonder where this will all end?

Our language gives us tools for thought, and if we are not honest with our words, and this kind of language is not anything I consider to be honest, I believe it will hamper our ability to think honestly. If we can’t think honestly, we can’t think well.


Pat Holder

Wauneta, Neb.

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    What outcome could we expect, where a culture no longer values objective truth? Where a people no longer possess the moral courage (or common sense) to even declare there exists but two sexes, male and female?

    Bastardizing language, so to destroy the true meaning of words, and thus end the ability to effectively communicate, is but another step down the road to atheistic communism.

    We have "gender" replacing sex - a term that heretofore has rightly signified one's genetic identity. Historically, the term "gender" was strictly a grammatical construct, a personal pronoun used to indicate the sex of a subject in a sentence: he, she, him, her, his, hers.

    At last count, there are now 28 "genders," of which the insane among us have declared to be the new "norm." And we had best use them, so to avert being branded "insensitive," "racist," "bigoted," "homophobic," etc. - all of which derogatory scripts combined equal the new "scarlet letter." Or perhaps they are more aptly called the new yellow Star of David, which we dissenters shall all be required to wear - until the moment arrives when our transport to the "re-education" camps commences.

    There is even now a campaign to delete the word "normal" from our lexicon ... This just in: the owners of a skin-products company have recently decided that the word "normal" must be omitted from their advertising and product labeling. Oh, and you can no longer use the term "fair skinned" either. Wow - even George Orwell would be shocked.

    I predict that Merriam-Webster will soon need to publish a new edition of their dictionary at least every other month, just to keep up with the demands made by the "cancel culture" loons.

    We are fast becoming a caricature of a nation.

    -- Posted by Bruce Desautels on Thu, Mar 11, 2021, at 4:05 PM
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    Brucey, if you don't like it, you're free to leave.

    So much fear.

    -- Posted by BlueWillow on Thu, Mar 11, 2021, at 6:12 PM
  • What does it mean to "think honestly". Maybe it means " think like I do". Pat Holder probably means it in that way. It may have some other meaning as well. Also, just have to mention - " at the end of the day" and " later" have different meaning. You can't just replace one with the other. Same with " going forward" and " in the future". Obviously.

    -- Posted by bob s on Thu, Mar 11, 2021, at 7:14 PM
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    Pat knows that Bob, but ironically, he/she/it clearly doesn't think/write honestly.

    -- Posted by BlueWillow on Thu, Mar 11, 2021, at 8:13 PM
  • Bruce, your comment so chockfull of confused and befuddled fearmongering, even you don't know which end is up. Communism, Star of David - you got the Holocaust chapters of your history book mixed up with the Cold War, courtesy of Fox News and whatever misinformed garbarge you call "news". I'll buy you a shot and a beer at Sarges. You need it badly.

    -- Posted by AxolotlMom on Fri, Mar 12, 2021, at 10:34 AM
  • Just Curious - Is Bruce being asked out on a date?

    -- Posted by bob s on Fri, Mar 12, 2021, at 6:02 PM
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