25 new cases reported in district

Monday, August 24, 2020

McCOOK, Neb. -- The COVID-19 Community Risk Dial for the week of August 24th is yellow. Residents of southwest Nebraska should use caution when at gatherings or in public, including wearing a mask and avoiding high-touch surfaces. Choose outdoor activities when possible and avoid close contact in enclosed spaces. Those who are at higher risk of complications from COVID-19 should stay home.

Additionally, in the past seven days SWNPHD has been notified of 25 people from the health district that have tested positive for COVID-19.

New cases include the following:

Chase – 2 males 0-19 yrs direct contact; male 50s direct contact; female 20s direct contact

Dundy – male 0-19 yrs; male 20s direct contact; male 50s travel related; female 50s direct contact

Frontier – male 40s travel related

Furnas – female 30s; male 80s

Keith – 3 males 0-19 yrs direct contact, male 20s direct contact, 2 males 30s direct contact; female 40s, female 50s

Perkins – female 20s direct contact, female 90s direct contact; 3 males 0-19 yrs direct contact; male 30s direct contact

These cases bring the total to 137 confirmed COVID-19 cases. Many of these cases are related to two ongoing outbreaks. One Hundred Two of the total cases have recovered, and there have been a total of 8 deaths.

For more information on COVID-19 in southwest Nebraska, visit www.swhealth.ne.gov. You can also follow SWNPHD on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. SWNPHD serves Chase, Dundy, Frontier, Furnas, Hayes, Hitchcock, Keith, Perkins, and Red Willow counties. SWNPHD is located at 404 West 10th St in McCook.

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