MCC Boosters' Adopt A Student deadline Aug. 20

Thursday, August 13, 2020

McCOOK, Neb. — A new school, new town, and a new environment can be tough on a college student, especially one attending school miles away from home, add on a Pandemic and it is even more scary. That’s where the MCC Adopt-A-Student program can help.

The MCC Adopt-A-Student program, sponsored by McCook Community College and the MCC Indians Boosters Inc., helps non-local students at MCC feel more at home and connected to the community while they are attending college.

The friendships made by both the students and adopted families can last way beyond their time here in McCook.

We look forward to this program continuing to be a big success for the community and the MCC students.

The last few years, we have had approximately 100 students involved and we need families to keep this program going.

All that is asked of host families is to have the students over to your home a few times per month for a meal. This gives the students an opportunity to get out of the dorms, as well as lessen any home sickness that may occur. Your consideration in the MCC Adopt-A-Student program would be great appreciated by the MCC Boosters and MCC Administration.

The registration deadline is Thursday, August 20.

Requests are completed on a first come, first served basis, so don’t delay in getting your information turned in.

A signed waiver and application form is required in order to participate.

You can find the information brochure online at or by contacting Diane Ruppert at 345-8754 or email or Jordan Johnson at 340-5255 or email for a form or more information.

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