Good news, not-so-good news reported from Haigler

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

HAIGLER, Neb. -- Hello again with Haigler Happenings from our community here in the cornerstone of Nebraska. Under normal circumstances, we would be saying, “Happy Spring” and giving you all the information for upcoming spring events and festivals—however these are not normal times with the corona virus pandemic. Though we have been very fortunate thus far in our rural communities to have very few cases of the virus, predictions are the worst is yet to come and rural America will not be spared. Let us hope for the best.

So, here are some good news happenings: At the present time, our Haigler businesses remain open; i.e. Family Market, Haigler Country Café, Jake’s Place, Haigler Branch of St. Francis Equity. Please help give them your support..

Good News: The annual Haigler Summer Music in the Park Festival is scheduled for the second Sunday afternoon in August. Mark your calendars for August 9, 2020. We are so hopeful this event will be possible as we have booked a fantastic program with The Talbott Brothers. Originally from Imperial, Nebraska; they now call Portland, Oregon home, and have just released a new album, “Ghost Talker.” More details later about these great musicians highlighting our Summer Music Festival.

Another good news happening : The Haigler Community Foundation offered to purchase from the Village of Haigler the tennis/basketball courts across the street from the Cornerstone Center on Norman Street. The offer was accepted—so in the near future, it is hoped that this community recreation area can be rehabilitated.

Now the “not so good” bad happenings to update and report: The Cornerstone Center for Community Service and the Sunshine Thrift and Mini-Mall have had to temporarily close their doors to follow the guidelines to stop the spread of the coronavirus and to protect our customers. The annual open meeting of the Haigler Community Foundation scheduled for April 2 has been canceled. All spring events and festivals have had to be cancelled; i.e. the annual Haigler Tractor Show in April and the Dundy Roo Arts & Crafts Spring Festival scheduled May 2, as well as the Haigler-hosted Ducks Unlimited event. At this time, the Haigler Alumni/Memorial weekend events are still scheduled; and decisions to hold or cancel will be made by early May.

Many people have been asking about the progress of the grant project to complete restoration work of the Haigler Conoco Station Museum,(including the adjoining bootleggers underground, the former liquor store building, and handicapped restroom for the Cornerstone Museum). The goal: To become a tourist visitor center for southwest Nebraska. After 3 years of the Haigler Community Foundation working with our southwest Nebraska Business Development Consultant, the Nebraska Economic Development Department, the Dundy County Tourism Committee, the Dundy County Commissioners, the Hansen Charitable Foundation, Miller and Associates, the Southwest Nebraska Tourism Coalition, and the Nebraska Tourism Department on this grant project, we were all optimistic of its success. Now, however, we are sorry to report the grant is no longer viable. Why? This grant was a Community Development Block Grant—meaning it must have the support of and be included in the financial budget of the local government entity; i.e. the Village of Haigler. The Haigler Village Board of Trustees unanimously voted against the request to include the grant amount of $250,000 in their budget-- citing it was too large amount of dollars (they had earlier supported a $50,000 grant request but the minimum grant request had been raised to $250,000 by the Economic Development Department—and this amount the Village Board would not approve.) Undoubtedly their decision also had a negative impact on Haigler (i.e. Haigler Country Café) and Dundy County not being accepted for the 2020 Nebraska Tourism Passport Program as well. While this is all very disappointing to report; there are many in our community that continue to remain optimistic and futuristic in our thinking of keeping Haigler and the Cornerstone of Nebraska alive and well — and shall continue to work for the betterment of our community.

To each of you reading this — please take care during these uncertain times, follow the guidelines set forth for us of safe distancing, staying more at home, washing your hands, and all the other things we can do to stop the spread of the virus in our communities. We look forward to welcoming you back to our Haigler events—when it is safe to do so.

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