Hitchcock County courthouse suspends public access

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

TRENTON, Neb. -- Hitchcock County officials have announced that, after careful analysis of CDC recommendations on social distancing the decision has been made that public access to the Hitchcock County Courthouse is suspended until further notice.

According to the release, all staff will report to offices at usual hours and maintain county business. All staff are committed to being responsive to your questions and needs utilizing several forms of communication to serve the public including telephone, email, fax and mail. Online resources are also available.

Courthouse entry shall be by appointment only. Please call before coming to the courthouse:

Clerk 308-334-5646

County Attorney 308-334-5616

Treasurer 308-334-5500 Assessor 308-334-5219

County Court 308-334-5383 District Court 308-334-5646

Veteran’s Service Officer 308-334-5300 Weed Superintendent 308-334-5851

Extension Office 308-334-5666 County Board of Commissioners 308/334-5646

“The situation will continue to be monitored and we will keep the public informed. Please do not hesitate to call if you have any questions or concerns.”

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