Teacher salaries on agenda

Monday, February 13, 2017

McCOOK, Neb. -- The base salary for teachers at the McCook School District will increase by $450, under a the negotiated agreement up for approval tonight at the regular McCook Board of Education meeting, 6:30 p.m. at the junior high conference room.

The agreement between certified staff and the McCook School District is negotiated yearly, setting forth salary conditions, insurance and other benefits. The starting salary for teachers at McCook in 2017-18 will be $34,450, up from $34,000 last year, according to the agreement. Base salaries are the starting point for teachers and increase depending on the number of years of teaching and additional education.

Insurance for teachers will stay the same as last year but with higher premiums, according to McCook Public Schools district manager Rick Haney.

A random sampling of base/starting salaries in 2016-17 for teachers at Nebraska schools, including other Class B schools, area schools and across the state, according to the Nebraska State Education Association, are:

Dundy County$34,100
Hitchcock Co.$33,250
Med. V./Curtis$33,300
North Platte$35,950

The board will also be asked to approve other items, including:

* the school calendar for 2017-18

* a contract for Meghan Gregg, as a school psychologist

* high school FFA/ag students to attend the national FFA convention in October in Indianapolis

The board will hear two presentations Monday night, one from Robin Bennett, the district's psychologist and another from Janae Solomon on the TeamMates mentoring program.

School board members on the policy and negotiations committee will also present updates.

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