'Project Empty Bowl' helps fill plates of needy

Monday, February 13, 2017
Avory Maris enjoys her time learning to create on the pottery wheel. (Courtesy photo)

McCOOK, Neb. -- Project Empty Bowl has become an annual signature fundraising event for the Saint Patrick School Art Program.

The premise of the Empty Bowls Project is simple, the 6th, 7th and 8th Grade students at Saint Patrick's work together to create a variety of handcrafted pottery bowls or glass art pieces.

The students' work will sell using a silent auction format during the annual Spaghetti on Sunday, in the basement of St. Patrick's Church.

For every pottery piece sold a portion of the earnings will go to McCook's local food pantry with the remaining funds going to the schools art program in helping raise funds to get another pottery wheel along with a new clay extruder.

The winners of the each piece of artwork will not only take home something done by our talented students but also be reminded of those families in need of food in our local community.

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