
Make sure a gun would be a safe Christmas present

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

It's always fun to try to figure out what's hiding under the Christmas tree, but there are some gifts that shouldn't be a surprise.

One of those is a firearm, and that's a popular category of gift, according to FBI statistics.

More gun background checks were conducted on Black Friday than any other day in history, the federal agency said.

More than perhaps any other gift, it's important that the giver knows exactly what the recipient wants.

Will it be for hunting, home protection, concealed carry?

Answers to those questions should determine what's under the tree. Answers are also needed to various moral, ethical and legal questions.

For instance, purchasing a gun for someone who may not be eligible to own one, and giving it to them, could constitute an illegal "straw purchase."

Recipients must also be willing to accept the responsibility of knowing how to safely use the weapon, obtain a concealed-carry permit if that is the intended use, and storing the gun where children or thieves can't get their hands on it.

If you're considering a firearm as a last-minute Christmas gift, make sure it will be part of a happy holiday and not the cause of a family tragedy.

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