School board to discuss remodeling bids

Monday, February 22, 2016

McCOOK, Neb. -- The McCook Board of Education will have a special meeting Tuesday noon at the junior high conference room, to discuss general contractor bids for the senior high safety remodeling project.

The major project, estimated to cost almost $1 million, will entail remodeling the south side front entrance at the high school to enhance safety features and re-configure office space to accommodate these changes.

Tentative costs were estimated between $650,000 to $850,000.

In November, the school board approved preliminary plans, done by W Design and Associates in McCook.

Time is of the essence as the project is scheduled to begin the beginning of summer and be completed before school begins in August.

Currently, there are no security features for visitors entering the high school. The project involves a vestibule and window that front office staff will use so visitors or students can sign in or hand in documents.

Because the window will be located where the current principal's office is, the project will move that office north and expand the front office area.

Preliminary plans also included re-vamping the nurse's station to be ADA-compliant and refurbishing a training room and storage area for two counselor offices, a registrar's office and a testing room.

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