
As Whiteclay tragedy continues, leaders should take action

Monday, October 12, 2015

Office are closed today for the Columbus Day holiday to honor the modern European who first discovered America, but some don't see it as a cause for celebration.

Instead, they see it as the start of exploitation, abuse and genocide by the Europeans who followed.

Modern Americans can do nothing to change history, but we seem to be just as unable to alter a modern conflict that is in ways just as abusive.

Protesters conducted a candlelight vigil Friday night outside a large Lincoln beer distributorship to spotlight the company's role in supplying alcohol to Whiteclay, Nebraska's, four beer stores.

Whiteclay has a population of just over a dozen people, yet sells the equivalent of 3.9 million cans of beer, most of it illegally going across the South Dakota border to the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, which prohibits alcohol sales.

The Friday night protest comes on the heels of the screening of a new documentary, "Sober Indian/Dangerous Indian," which follows four men and their families, including one man who says he sold himself for sex so he could buy more alcohol.

According to the documentary, 85 percent of families on the reservation are affected by alcohol abuse and one in four children is born with fetal alcohol syndrome, yet there's only one seven-bed treatment center on the entire reservation.

Frank LaMere, a Native American activist from South Sioux City, has met with Gov. Pete Ricketts, who issued a statement in July that he is "determined to address this important set of problems during my administration,"

It's impossible to accurately quantify human suffering with money, but the Whiteclay situation has its own facts and figure.

The four stores generated about $113,800 in state excise taxes and $213,000 in federal excise taxes last year, according to the Nebraska Liquor Control Commission, but activists say that's more than offset by the costs of caring for foster children with fetal alcohol syndrome, costs usually borne by taxpayers.

It's a complicated problem, crossing three political lines, Nebraska, South Dakota and the federal government, and liquor and grocery interests have been successful in derailing earlier efforts to change the tragic status quo.

Should alcohol be legalized on the reservation, taxed and the money used to provide alcohol treatment?


Should Nebraska laws prohibiting alcohol sales to minors, intoxicated individuals, and above certain bulk quantities be enforced?


Would increased or expanded prohibition help? No, it more likely would only increase costs to the consumers and increase costs to society in general.

Gov. Ricketts should keep his promise to take effective action on the Whiteclay problem and legislators, law enforcement and other governmental bodies should either help or at least get out of the way.

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  • Very much like the war on drugs, the problems with alcohol lie not so much with the seller but with the buyer. If no sales were allowed at Whiteclay the buyers would just spend extra money driving to the next place where they can make a purchase. As distance increases the cost to purchase increases as well as the number of miles a person maybe driving under the influence thus making the road less safe not only for the person driving drunk but for others on the same road. I feel sorry for the American Indian. America has basically taken away the need for them to work and succeed. Not all but too many Indians...and now other Americans...survive on government hand outs.

    -- Posted by dennis on Mon, Oct 12, 2015, at 3:03 PM
  • I am stunned Denny!! For once, we are in agreement!! Gonna be a hell of a winter!!

    -- Posted by SWNEvacuee on Mon, Oct 12, 2015, at 5:48 PM
  • I do need to ask the writer....have you ever been there?? Or do you just watch YouTube videos and listen to one side of the story?? Do you even consider the problem is one of personal responsibility? If you go, take a drive around, Wounded Knee, Pine Ridge, Mandan, on and on..... Maybe then you can see where the problem starts??

    -- Posted by SWNEvacuee on Mon, Oct 12, 2015, at 5:52 PM
  • Actually, not a lot different from SW Nebraska, except the folks in SW Nebraska drive a little nicer pickups!! And they don't sleep on the sidewalks! (smile)

    -- Posted by SWNEvacuee on Mon, Oct 12, 2015, at 6:45 PM
  • Nebraska supplies alcohol which illegally crosses the South Dakota border ignoring the cry of the American Indian. Colorado supplies pot which crosses the Nebraska border and our politicians have a tantrum and sue.

    Now Indian reservations are beginning to grow and sell pot. There is one opening a few hours from eastern Nebraska in South Dakota.

    Hopefully the Whiteclay reservation will grow and sell weed soon with large amounts crossing south into Nebraska. Turn about is fair play after all.

    -- Posted by Diatheke on Mon, Oct 12, 2015, at 7:05 PM
  • Grow weed on the res? Absolutely!! Too bad the climate is not right for poppies! Add a little heroin to the mix! Sin and tax on sin! Is this a great country or what???

    -- Posted by SWNEvacuee on Mon, Oct 12, 2015, at 9:14 PM
  • The war on indigenous people continues today. Though not killing with guns, but with good intentions. The reservation mentality is a failure, parenting, education and all social structures are non-existing. It's time we do away with reservations and realize the the best for the American Indian is to assimilate.

    I realize also, many will scream its the fault of the Europeans. My question to you will be, if not us, then who?

    -- Posted by Hugh Jassle on Tue, Oct 13, 2015, at 9:01 AM
  • Chunky, I totally agree. The same is true with overly lengthy unemployment payments and generational welfare.

    -- Posted by dennis on Tue, Oct 13, 2015, at 1:47 PM
  • The really sad thing is that those affected by poverty no long want to hear those advocating jobs and opportunity, but only want to vote for those who bring the freebies. This is aat least 4-5 generations in the making.

    -- Posted by Hugh Jassle on Tue, Oct 13, 2015, at 3:20 PM
  • I agree 100% with you Diatheke.

    -- Posted by regular guy on Sat, Oct 17, 2015, at 4:56 AM
  • D and regular guy....the fact is that it is legal to sell alochol in Nebraska and legal to take it across the border. The fact is also that the American Indian is the one crying to buy it and take it home. A couple of other facts...it is illegal to grow weed in SD and illegal to take it across the border. It is also illegal in both states to sell it so your argument is based on fiction not fact. The fact remains that the problem rests with the personal responsibility of those that abuse the alochol.

    -- Posted by dennis on Sat, Oct 17, 2015, at 1:12 PM
  • Dennis, it is legal for the reservations to grow and sell weed on the reservation, even in states where it is otherwise illegal to do so.

    -- Posted by npwinder on Sat, Oct 17, 2015, at 3:06 PM
  • Thanks np. Did not know that

    -- Posted by dennis on Sat, Oct 17, 2015, at 7:23 PM
  • So we should just stand back and allow them to destroy themselves?

    -- Posted by Hugh Jassle on Sat, Oct 17, 2015, at 9:07 PM
  • What? You seem to be thinking like a liberal, chunk! We have to protect them.................from themselves??? Gee, what a novel idea!!!

    -- Posted by SWNEvacuee on Sun, Oct 18, 2015, at 8:29 AM
  • Once again, I have to ask, "Have you been there?" Or, are you just watching YouTube and listening to the news, and somehow convincing yourselves you know the solution? How about it, Denny, Chunk,the editor, et.al.??? Or is it easier to call the game from the cheap seats???

    -- Posted by SWNEvacuee on Sun, Oct 18, 2015, at 8:59 AM
  • And tricketts wants to pass some new laws, which, like the current laws, nobody will be interested in enforcing!!!! Probably have the same affect as a candlelight vigil in Lincoln, over 400 miles away!!! And, Denny......it is not legal to take alcohol onto the res!!!!

    -- Posted by SWNEvacuee on Sun, Oct 18, 2015, at 9:07 AM
  • I have been to the reservation several times. Alochol was allowed for a short period of time in the 70's. It is not allowed now. It is allowed to be taken into SD but not the res. The last tribal election the issue to allow posesion and sales failed 52-48. Folks that wanted to allow it felt it was already widely used on on res. and sales there could be used to help put programs in place to help health issues there. I firmly believe it is not Nebraska's place to enter the debate as to what is an issue of tribal and personal responsibility.

    -- Posted by dennis on Sun, Oct 18, 2015, at 10:23 AM
  • Denny, for once, you got it right! Indian problem, not ours!!

    -- Posted by SWNEvacuee on Sun, Oct 18, 2015, at 2:58 PM
  • So funny!! Sheridan County, wanting to jump on the "Battle for Whiteclay" wagon, now is announcing they are going to crack down on panhandling at Whiteclay! Meanwhile, all over the country, cities are backing off enforcing panhandling laws, due to court decisions citing violation of free speech!! **** politicians will never get a clue, will they???? Especially those in jerkwater Nebraska communities, and our tricky ricky governor!!!

    -- Posted by SWNEvacuee on Tue, Oct 20, 2015, at 10:26 PM
  • At least there is some refreshing news! Ft Collins has turned down allowing women to go topless in the city! So, we have that going for us!!!!

    -- Posted by SWNEvacuee on Tue, Oct 20, 2015, at 10:34 PM
  • Just think about it!!! In Colorado, you can buy and smoke dope, but you can't show your .........??? Is this a great country or what?????

    -- Posted by SWNEvacuee on Tue, Oct 20, 2015, at 10:38 PM
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