College board approves property purchase, other expenditures

Thursday, March 27, 2014

NORTH PLATTE, Nebraska -- The Mid Plains Community College president was authorized Wednesday night to sign documents to buy a house near McCook Community College.

While there are no immediate plans for the property, 1111 E. Fourth in McCook, any space has valuable potential for the landlocked campus, officials said.

Mid Plains governors also awarded a bid not to exceed $224,340 to McCook Contracting LLC to remodel the Brooks Hall bathrooms on the MCC campus. The work will bring the facilities into ADA compliance, and is expected to be completed in time for the 2014 fall term.

Other spending approved included $169,088 for a computerized student record system maintenance contract, $59,254.50 for 17 terabytes of computer storage, $73,343 for campus card software, $196,350 for HVAC/Mechanical equipment, $113,200 for electrical work and $63,230 for wall assemblies, all related to the McDonald-Belton balcony project in North Platte.

The board also approved a new full-time math faculty position for the North Platte campus.

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