Letter to the Editor

Pass or fail test

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Dear Editor,

The public is often busy grading and evaluating the words and actions of leaders like Barack Obama, Benjamin Netanyahu and Mitt Romney. "They may pass or fail or even get an incomplete.

Let's pretend that they are taking an oral exam on military action.

Obama: You have asked if I want to prevent wars and to protect Americans serving our country. The attack on Benghazi was cowardly and should be condemned. I have ordered more security to protect American diplomats. I ran for president to keep us out of wars."

Netanyahu: "Israel is surrounded by countries who fire long-range weapons at us. Iran has no intention of giving up its weapons for nuclear warfare. My country will not hesitate to defend itself."

Romney: "As a world leader among other countries, we must remain alert and help our allies. Protecting basic human rights is essential. Ignoring Israel's problems is like throwing it under the bus."

A good essay question is "How can we improve the quality of life and could we reach the polar star while we're doing so?

Obama: "The impasse furloughed 8,000 workers. This has taken 24 billion dollars out of the economy. We can't afford it. The solution is to extend our debt limit. The polar star is too far away."

Netanyahu: "Quite frankly, I am more familiar with the Star of David. I would like to fight terror and advance the peace process. I would like to guarantee a demilitarized Palestinian state that recognizes Israel as the Jewish state."

Romney: "I would really like to see us come up with a better solution for amnesty and solving border crossings from Mexico into the U.S. If we continue down the path of borrowing more, spending more and taxing more, we may have to go live on the polar star (North Star)."

Reactions and comprehension can be evaluated by completing this sentence:

"My aim in life is:"

Obama: "Keeping the U.S. out of wars and providing all Americans with affordable health care."

Netanyahu: To make certain that Jews in the 21st century have a better life than they did in the 20th century and the days of the Holocaust."

Romney: "To prevent America from failing and following a pattern of self destruction."

Helen Ruth Arnold,

Trenton, Nebraska

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