Letter to the Editor

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Thursday, June 20, 2013

Dear Editor,

Vladimir Lenin, the founder and architect of the Soviet communist state, said, "Socialized medicine is the keystone to the arch of the socialist state." Lenin and the communists knew that once you control people's access to health care and medical treatment you control their lives.

Cuba's communist dictator, Fidel Castro, hailed the passage of Obamacare as "a miracle." The communist dictator of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, called Barack Obama "Comrade Obama" and said in a speech that he believed Obama might be even farther left than himself and Castro.

Obamacare has nothing to do with making health care more affordable or better. Obamacare is all about setting up a vast government bureaucracy to "control the people." When radio host Paul W. Smith asked liberal congressman John Dingill (D-Mont.), why it will take the government until 2014 to fully set up the Obamacare system, Dingill said this: "It takes a long time to do the necessary administrative steps that have to be taken to put the legislature together to control the people."

Communists and socialists have always known that the fastest and surest way to move a country to socialism is by putting a country's health care system under government control.

Obamacare is setting up a Soviet-style health care bureaucracy that will destroy freedom in America if it's allowed to take root and spread like a cancer into every area of American life. Obamacare requires the hiring of 16,000 brand new IRS agents to enforce the 2,700 page law, establishes 159 brand new government agencies to administer the program and includes 21 new taxes and tax increases.

So, Obamacare has nothing to do with making health care affordable or better. Obamacare is all about setting up a vast government bureaucracy to "control the people." This is how Barack Obama plans to "fundamentally transform America." His agenda for America's future is clearly socialist (or worse).

These disturbing statements came to me in a letter from the Faith and Freedom Coalition. In 2012, Faith and Freedom Coalition conducted the largest Christian voter registration, education and turn out campaign ever seen in America's history, which translated to adding 2,700,000 votes to the conservative side in the 2012 election.

Faith and Freedom is the only organization on the conservative side that's emphasizing building a "ground game" that can match the "ground game" of Barack Obama, the big labor unions and the left.

Faith and Freedom had great success in the 2010 mid-term Congressional elections. Remember the shellacking? Faith and Freedom also helped Scott Walker withstand a 45 million dollar assault from the left and big labor unions and win his recall election in 2012 because of the "ground game" they built through the churches.

The Faith and Freedom Coalition has 700,000 members and urges millions of other Americans to help stop Obamacare. There are several very viable options.

1. The fatal flaw is that the Supreme Court ruled that the federal government has no authority to compel the states to pay for or administer Obamacare. Hopefully, the 30 Republican governors and even some Democrat governors, will not want to pay the enormous cost of Obamacare. If the governors take a stand, the program becomes unworkable. Call your governor.

2. The U.S. House of Representatives can simply refuse to fund Obamacare. Call the Congress representative switchboard at (202) 224-3121.

3. Additional Supreme Court/Constitutional challenges could impede or halt forward progress.

Obamacare regulation appear to require pro-life doctors and hospitals to perform abortions if they want to stay in the medical field. This is a clear violation of the Constitution's first amendment.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

Faith and Freedom Coalition

PO Box 96321

Washington, DC, 20090


(770) 622-1501

Like Glenn Beck, I hope this isn't true, but deep down I believe that it is. The government knows everything about us, but we are being deceived.

Janine Hall

McCook, Nebraska

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  • Considering, Glenn Beck???

    Whose running or behind ffcoalition?

    After seeing on PBS the meeting the Republican,

    Tea party held after Obama won the election, that

    their decision was to do everything they could to

    disrupt the government. They didn't learn anything and got beat again. I find anything put out by these parties hard to believe.

    -- Posted by S&P1958 on Thu, Jun 20, 2013, at 8:13 PM
  • Here's a list of all the "communist" countries---------""Thirty-two of the thirty-three developed nations have universal health care, with the United States being the lone exception [1]. The following list, compiled from WHO sources where possible, shows the start date and type of system used to implement universal health care in each developed country [2]. Note that universal health care does not imply government-only health care, as many countries implementing a universal health care plan continue to have both public and private insurance and medical providers.

    Country Start Date of Universal Health Care System Type

    Click links for more source material on each country's health care system.

    Norway 1912 Single Payer

    New Zealand 1938 Two Tier

    Japan 1938 Single Payer

    Germany 1941 Insurance Mandate

    Belgium 1945 Insurance Mandate

    United Kingdom 1948 Single Payer

    Kuwait 1950 Single Payer

    Sweden 1955 Single Payer

    Bahrain 1957 Single Payer

    Brunei 1958 Single Payer

    Canada 1966 Single Payer

    Netherlands 1966 Two-Tier

    Austria 1967 Insurance Mandate

    United Arab Emirates 1971 Single Payer

    Finland 1972 Single Payer

    Slovenia 1972 Single Payer

    Denmark 1973 Two-Tier

    Luxembourg 1973 Insurance Mandate

    France 1974 Two-Tier

    Australia 1975 Two Tier

    Ireland 1977 Two-Tier

    Italy 1978 Single Payer

    Portugal 1979 Single Payer

    Cyprus 1980 Single Payer

    Greece 1983 Insurance Mandate

    Spain 1986 Single Payer

    South Korea 1988 Insurance Mandate

    Iceland 1990 Single Payer

    Hong Kong 1993 Two-Tier

    Singapore 1993 Two-Tier

    Switzerland 1994 Insurance Mandate

    Israel 1995 Two-Tier

    United States 2014? Insurance Mandate

    Will the United States join this list in 2014?


    -- Posted by bob s on Sun, Jun 23, 2013, at 4:27 PM
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