McCook trio selected for state Legion baseball all-star game

Saturday, August 4, 2012
Steve Kodad/McCook Daily Gazette Former McCook Legion baseball players, clockwise from top left, Clint Beguin, Chris Conroy and Justin Terry have been selected to participate in the annual Wahoo Kiwanis All-Star Game Aug. 4 at Sam Crawford Field in Wahoo.

WAHOO, Neb. -- Three leaders on the 2012 McCook National Bank Seniors Legion baseball squad will have one more chance to represent their team and community before college baseball beckons this fall.

Clint Beguin, Chris Conroy and Justin Terry have been selected to play in the 10th annual Wahoo Area Kiwanis All-Star Baseball Classic. The Legion baseball all-star game is scheduled Saturday, Aug. 4, at historic Sam Crawford Field, located on East 5th St. in downtown Wahoo.

The all-star event will feature players from 2012 Nebraska Class B and Class C Legion teams. Players who have completed their Legion baseball eligibility are eligible to participate.

Legion baseball coaches across the state are asked to nominate up to three players from their respective 2012 teams.

ACCORDING to a news release, the purpose of the event to to help provide Class B and Class C players in their final season of Nebraska Legion baseball an opportunity to showcase their talents and as a reward for a successful season.

Players will check-in at Wahoo's baseball stadium Saturday afternoon. The festivities kick off with team photos and brief team workouts, followed by the Hitting Challenge starting at 4:15 p.m.

The nine-inning all-star game is set to begin at 7 p.m., followed by post-game trophy presentations.

Admission fees will be $5 each for adults and $3 each for students ages 6 to 12 years.

ALL THREE McCook players plan to play college baseball next year, and all three are looking forward to the challenge of playing with and against some of the state's top high school-age diamond talent.

"It should be fun," Justin Terry said. "My last game in high school -- next is college."

Terry signed a letter of intent to join the McCook Community College baseball program this fall.

Terry was a standout at fullback and linebacker on the McCook High School football team last fall in addition to his baseball talents. Terry said he will likely play catcher and third base at MCC. He said he hasn't had contact with the all-star game coaches to see where he might be positioned in Saturday's contest.

"I don't have a phone right now," he said. "My dad's kind of cheap. He won't buy me one."

CHRIS CONROY completed his final year of Legion baseball this past summer after graduating from McCook High in 2011. Conroy joined the MCC baseball program and took a redshirt year last season while recovering from elbow surgery.

Conroy has all-star game experience after he played in the McCook Legion baseball conference all-star game in 2011.

"It's real cool," Conroy said of his selection to the state all-star contest. "I didn't play in the (conference) all-star game this year -- been there, done that. It's nice to be able to play.

"It will be good to get around bigger, better competition, other guys who are probably going to be playing college ball."

Conroy was one of the leading pitchers for the MNB Seniors this summer, and he will likely work on the mound in Saturday's all-star game. He also started on the offensive line for the Bison football team during his senior season in 2010.

CLINT BEGUIN also has future baseball plans. He is hoping to earn a spot on the MCC roster this fall as a walk-on.

Beguin is ready to test his skills against some of the state's other top talent.

"I'm excited. It will be good competition," he said.

Beguin will likely catch and pitch in the all-star game, and he has his sights set on action behind the plate for the MCC team in the future.

Clint was a starting lineman for the Bison football team last fall.

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  • Great to see McCook represented. What a nice group of young men.

    -- Posted by mrbj on Mon, Aug 6, 2012, at 9:01 PM
  • Such an amazing experience for these three! We wish Justin and Chris the best in the upcoming MCC baseball season!!

    -- Posted by tallinthesaddle on Tue, Aug 7, 2012, at 9:44 PM
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