Ethanol Plants Closing

Friday, July 20, 2012
Paul Schneider

Dear Friend,


In light of the Old Testament Scriptures, I find what happened to Israel, as a nation, when they forgot God and followed the EVIL inclinations of their hearts, is now happening in America. They made their little ones "pass through the fire," committed murder, committed adultery and fornication, one tribe, Benjamin, was steeped in homosexuality, they worshipped idols and false gods, women made cakes for "the queen of heaven," they are proud, haughty and arrogant. God is not in their thoughts at all. There are many other indictments as well. And as like God passed judgment on Israel by bringing powerful nations to capture them and disperse them into every nation on the earth and made them HOMELESS for the past 2,000 years before bringing them back HOME to Israel (the land) and reestablishing them as a nation once again, so He is in the process of HUMBLING the U.S.A.

The streets of America are filled with the blood of over 50 million aborted babies and their blood cries out for God's justice and the Bible says, "His justice neither sleeps or slumbers." We as Bible believing Christians are on the very EDGE OF ETERNITY, as we patiently wait for the Rapture as promised in John 14:1-6. Jesus was the God Man and He cannot lie. After the Rapture, then the seven year Tribulation, in which God pours out His judgment on the wicked. To avoid that Tribulation and go to Heaven instead, PRAY, "Lord Jesus, you died to save sinners like me, BUT my part is to receive You as my Savior, in order to avoid going to HELL. Right now I ask You to come into my heart and save me from sin, THE PENALTY OF SIN and the power of sin over me. Please forgive me of my sins and take me to Heaven when you come. Amen!"


What would cause an ethanol plant to close its doors? Wouldn't it be lack of corn for the most part? And for those that use corn and sorghum stalks and switch grass, but due to terrible, unrelenting HEAT and hot dry winds, none can be found. If you read the O.T., you will discover that God is TOTALLY in control of ALL things, nations, weather etc., etc., and you read in the Psalm 8:1 "From the mouth of infants and nursing babes You have established strength, because of Your adversaries, To make the enemy and the revengeful cease."

When He raised up Moses to lead the Children Of Israel out of Egypt to the Promised Land (Israel), He used 10 plagues (judgments) to bring down the GREATEST nation on earth -- Egypt. 1. Turned the Nile river to blood. 2. Frogs. 3. Swarms of lice & gnats. 4. Flies. 5 Disease on cattle. 6. Boils/sores on man & animal. 7. Destruction of crops and cattle by hail. 8. Destruction of crops by locusts. 9. Darkness -- 3 days of THICK darkness. 10. Death of the Firstborn. Read Exodus, ch's. 7-11.

Is America vulnerable, when God unleashes HIS judgments? YES she is! An announcement on TV NEWS says one third of our corn crop is DEVASTATED already. Also, much more will not reach its FULL potential. If you think it's bad now, it will be MUCH WORSE in the TRIBULATION. Accept Jesus Christ as your Savior NOW, so you will be in HEAVEN during this terrible time on earth. The Rapture is anytime now.


Can you imagine what the FALLOUT will be when EVERY ethanol plant in America closes their doors? From an investment point of view, BILLIONS of dollars will be lost. Thousands upon thousands of jobs will be lost! The economies of many areas will suffer, not only from plant closings BUT more, from the loss of farm income. When Nebraska went through the 7-year drought a few years ago and farm income was way down, Nebraska's tax income dropped precipitously. In last week's article, I pointed out that death by starvation would decimate one/fourth of the world's population (the BLACK horse) and then another one/third will be killed in Rev. 9:15. Death and destruction will be EVERYWHERE! And so I urge you to escape now, while you can. The Rapture is imminent!

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Your friend,

Paul Schneider

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