Letter to the Editor

Big dog-doo tattoo

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Dear Editor,

It amazes me how smart our officials think we are when we make the brilliant decision to vote them into office.

In recent years, I think these elected officials believe they have been appointed as our "ruling class" and are now smarter than those who elected them. There are no good ideas except those of the rulers.

This is the case with the proposed jail. While there appears to be little opposition to the project there appears to be an overwhelming objection to the location, across the street from the architectural crown jewel of McCook, the Frank Lloyd house.

If you oppose the Norris Avenue jail location, you must vote as based on the number of county employees, their spouses, etc. They probably have 300 Yes votes in the bag.

The commissioners choice of this location is like putting a big dog-doo tattoo on the prom queen's nose.

If our rulers won't follow our wishes we should not grant their wish for more money.

Because of their refusal to listen to the not-so-silent majority, I urge a No vote on the jail bond.

'Nuff said.

Bill Frasier,

McCook, Nebraska

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  • The town is somewhat backward. Cultural or beautification issues are irrelevant. Very hillbilly. A jail on the bricks.

    -- Posted by bob s on Thu, May 10, 2012, at 1:12 PM
  • *

    After reviewing the drawing of the proposed jail on display in the courthouse...I nodded my head in affirmation that this proposed structure will be much more attractive than the run down eyesore currently occupying said space.

    Vote yes on the levy - let the bond reach maturity and expire...a vote no just means an increase is inevitable and would likely be permanent.

    -- Posted by Mickel on Fri, May 11, 2012, at 6:52 PM
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