Letter to the Editor

New jail site

Monday, January 9, 2012

Dear Editor,

Wow! Two guys with an identical thought. Is this a coincidence or what?

On Oct. 28, the Gazette published my letter on page 4. It said I suggested the county consider the northwest corner of the block south of the courthouse for a new jail. I outlined the properties that would need to be acquired, etc.

Five weeks later, retired Judge Clark made the front page by recommending the same plan.

The only difference in our suggestions was Judge Clark felt a new jail should be voted on. I feel it should not. The public doesn't always get it right -- prohibition is an example. The current administration in Washington D.C. is another example.

If voted down, what is Plan B? I can't think of any visible alternative.

Finally, some claim the site Judge Clark and I recommend is too far from the courthouse. As I recall, the last time a new jail was proposed it was at the old West Ward site, four blocks away. Too bad the public voted that down; probably would have saved us a couple million bucks.

'Nuff said.

Bill Frasier,

McCook, Nebraska

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  • Well nuff, if I remember correctly the county sold the Waste Ward land before they and the city got together and had a vote on the combined facility that was planned to go on West Q St. where the bus barn is now located.

    Too bad that the police chief and county sheriff couldn't have cooperated a little more on it. It was way too big because neither one of them wanted to combine their operations. The voters saw it for what it was, way too big, way too much duplication, such as 2 exercise rooms, one for the county and one for the city officers.

    I do not think the county needs to go exploring other options for the jail, they are about 75% done buying land, build it right where they have the land.

    By the way nuff, there are 2 vacancies on the city council, nows your chance to set 'em straight.

    -- Posted by goarmy67 on Tue, Jan 10, 2012, at 10:14 AM
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