Letter to the Editor

National inversion

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Dear Editor,

Temperature inversion is a common condition in Denver where I was raised. (Sometimes it occurs in McCook and the Trenton area.)

When air close to the ground is cooler than the air above it, inversion takes place. In Denver, a sickening green smog forms and blocks the view of the mountains.

Current problems faced by the U.S. government are a type of inversion. Our view is blocked by multiple challenges.

These include a monumental national debt, widespread unemployment, a mortgage and lending crisis, terrorism, wars and countries like Iran threatening other countries.

Our founding fathers wanted to build a sound legal foundation for our country. John Adams, our second president, worried about whether or not office holders would make decisions in best interest of American voters. He said "failure to do this will result in the democratic suicide of our nation."

The supreme law of our land is the U.S. Constitution. It was signed by 40 men, including George Washington and Benjamin Franklin. John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and John Jay were absent because they were busy with other duties.

Our Constitution was designed to give our nation a balanced government with legislative, judicial and executive powers.

2012 is an election year. Let us hope that those who are eligible voters will get out and vote at polling places or by absentee ballot. We don't need an inversion problem where our view is blocked. We need to solve our many difficulties.

Helen Ruth Arnold,

Trenton, Nebraska

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