Letter to the Editor

Seeking teacher

Monday, September 19, 2011

Dear Editor,

I am writing in an effort to locate a former teacher of mine. In fact, I am looking for my kindergarten teacher. That probably seems like an odd thing to do, but I have been an elementary school teacher for most of my teaching career and I have a desire to find out what happened to all of my teachers over the years and to thank the ones who are still alive. I was a kindergartener in Bridgeport, Nebraska, in the 1960-61 school year. Miss Larington (I do not know her first name) was my kindergarten teacher, and she was a wonderful teacher. At least that is how I remember her! She gave me and my classmates a great start to our formal education. I think that was her first year of teaching, and she moved after that year to McCook to get married. I cried when I learned of her moving because that meant that my brother would not be able to have her for a teacher.

I would love to locate her and thank her for all that she did for me as a young child. If you could put this e-mail in your paper to help me in this effort, I would greatly appreciate that. I hope things are good in McCook ... there's nowhere better than Western Nebraska! Thank you very much.

Richard Johnson


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