Update: Most power restored

Friday, April 15, 2011

PALISADE, Nebraska -- Service has been restored to all of Southwest Public Power District substations except for one south of the Enders dam. "We anticipate that substation to be back on in a matter of minutes," SWPPD manager Don Suda.

"We are now working on isolated locations. We are currently aware of approximately 10 broken poles in the Dundy county area, and are working with large loaders provided by Century 21 John Deere out of Imperial, Nebraska, to be able to get in and out of those locations. Our crews are working diligently to get the lines back up.

"We also want to extend our appreciation to the Dundy County roads department and all the farmers and ranchers who helped our crews get around. Their assistance made all the difference," Suda said. "A special thank-you to all of those who reported downed power lines and poles; you made it much easier for us to fix the problem as rapidly as possible."

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  • Great job SWPPD!

    -- Posted by Hugh Jassle on Fri, Apr 15, 2011, at 4:43 PM
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