Letter to the Editor

The blame game

Friday, December 10, 2010

Dear Editor,

I am really getting tired of people complaining about certain things and putting the blame on somebody else.

There are many people who do not live with in their means. To start with, there some who buy a house and decide they need a bigger one, then they sell and the house still isn't big enough, so they end up buying a house that has about 2,500 square feet on the main floor with about five bedrooms and three baths and such.

So now they have a very big mortage and the children are all grown up and gone on their own, and they complain that the bank is foreclosing on them, that is their own fault, no one told them they need a house as big as a castle. Then come the people that buy a good car and then sell it and then get a loan so they can have that brand new Mercedes, so the payments so big they get their car repossessed and then complain about it that the bank wasn't being fair, they brought this on themselves.

Now there are the ones that have a wallet full of credit cards and are so far in debt their paycheck is garnisheed; no one twisted their arm to pull that credit card out, that brought that on themselves as well. Now we see that there is a very mass majority of people who are either overweight or obese because they eat way too much or eat at fast food restaurants to become this way and then complain it is too hard to lose weight, they, too, brought this on themselves. I heard on the news that there are at least 200 people a month that quit their job and say "take this and shove it," which, in return increases the unemployment and then they complain they can not find a job, well whose fault is it they quit? Again, I say they brought this on themselves, and then there are some who say they will not take a job less than what they made so they stay unemployed and scrape up pennies to make ends meet, but for some they always have money to buy cigarettes and complain they cannot quit smoking.

So whose fault is all of this? If people would just learn to live with in their means and eat right they would not have the problems they have. Back in the '70s when jobs were hard to come by, most people took a job just to have a paycheck and were happy they were employed. Maybe some of this unemployment would go down if they would just come down the ladder some and learn to live with what they have instead of trying to keep up with everyone else.

I thank you.

Kevin Dunn,

Holbrook, Nebraska

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