Letter to the Editor

America first

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Dear Editor,

In the past week, President Obama has voiced his support for a Muslim Mosque to be built at Ground Zero, the site of the 9-11 terrorist attacks in New York City.

This causes me to wonder what was the president doing and thinking on that fateful day.

It seems like the president is disconnected to the American people and their feelings. It has been suggested by many of our nation's leaders that the mosque is really a tribute to glorify the 9-11 Islamic terrorists that killed three thousand Americans and caused so much grief and pain. It was a terrible strike against the United States, and we will never forget it.

In my opinion, building a large expensive mosque 13 stories high, looming over ground zero is disrespectful and dishonoring to the victims and their families of 9-11. What happened to the plans to erect a memorial in honor of the victims?

Most Americans support the constitutional rights that call for freedom of religion; but not at ground zero! New York already has more than a hundred Muslim mosques, and there are mega-Muslim mosques being built all over America. Why is it so important to build one near ground zero where so many Americans were murdered?

The project is headed up by Muslim cleric Feisal Abdul Rauf. This is the same cleric who is being funded by the U.S State Department.

It has been said by the State Department that Feisal Abdul Rauf is a distinguished Muslim cleric and they have a program through their Educational and Cultural Affairs Bureau that sends people from Muslim communities here in this country around the world to help people overseas understand our society and the role of religion within our society.

I ask, is this coming from the same president who during his visit to Turkey told the Muslim audience that America is not a Christian, Jewish or Muslim nation? And has the U.S. State Department sent a Christian or Jewish or any other religious representative to the Middle East to "help people overseas understand our society and the role of religion ... "

November elections are coming up and I urge everyone to vote, but more than that; vote for the candidate who puts Americans first and not their own agenda.

Let your voice be heard!

Marilyn Friesbie,

McDonald, Kan.

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  • So, how far away should they be able to build?

    -- Posted by president obama on Thu, Sep 2, 2010, at 6:56 PM
  • President Obama supports the right of AMERICANS to build a mosque any where that AMERICAN Muslims own land and want to build a mosque. He probably also supports the right of Christians to build a church in Waco Texas or Oklahoma city. I bet he thinks it's a good idea to let Germans build churches near Auschwitz. Let's remember, just because a few Christians are bad, doesn't mean that the majority are bad. Terrorists attacked America. There are Muslim Americans serving in the US military. American Muslims were killed on September 11th and lets not forget, there was a mosque in the Pentagon when it was attacked on 9/11. There were also Muslims working in Washington on that day.

    As far a Religious Diplomacy, I can't answer your question, but I do know this much, President Bush appointed Imam Rauf because he thought he was a good guy. Also, President Obama's Chief of staff is Jewish. He also appointed a Jewish Supreme Court justice. President Obama, Vice President Biden, Secretary of state Clinton are all Christian representatives to the middle east. Not to mention, Obama appointed George Mitchell as special envoy to the middle east. Mitchell just happens to be a Christian.

    America is NOT a Christian, Jewish or Muslim Nation. America is a FREE Nation. A nation where all people are fREE to worship how, whom and wherever they choose.

    George Bush said "They hate us for our freedom" They attacked us because they dissaproved of our religious freedom. We can't let them "win" by taking that away from us.

    As far as what ever happened to the plans to erect a memorial in honor of the 9/11 victims? Well, They decided to build a giant mall there instead. That is far more offensive to me than a religious building.

    We need to build this country up. We need to remember what this country was founded on. In November remember who is fighting for the constitutional rights of all Americans and who is opening the door for your rights to be taken away. Because if they allow religious rights to be taken away from American Muslims, American Christians could be next.

    That is who I will be voting for, how about you?

    -- Posted by dprovince on Thu, Sep 2, 2010, at 7:38 PM
  • i guess you either support religous freedom or you dont. Disclaimers dont count

    -- Posted by president obama on Thu, Sep 2, 2010, at 8:19 PM
  • For anyone to characterize what is essentially a YMCA analog as strictly a mosque is as ridiculous as characterizing a Las Vegas casino as a cathedral because it houses a wedding chapel.But there seems to be among some people a tendency towards a cafeteria approach towards both religion and the constitution.

    I recall that in the wake of that crime on 9/11 we were often told that if such and such a set of conditions pertained then the "terrorists would have won".I contend that if we're seen as so easily frightened that we're willing to forsake our first principles- indeed the first of our first- then perhaps the terrorists did win.

    I'd imagine President Obama was thinking about the constitution and his oath to uphold it.

    -- Posted by davis_x_machina on Fri, Sep 3, 2010, at 11:58 AM
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