Letter to the Editor

Big Red can't win this way

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Dear Editor,

It is interesting, and in the case of the Upper Republican NRD, very commendable to see that something is being done about the irrigators who are cheating the system.

The Lower Republican is also TALKING a good game. However, there is supposed to be a moratorium on new wells, pivots in all of these NRDS, or so I thought.

There have been at least six to 10 new pivots at a minimum put on ground that was previously never irrigated in the Middle Republican NRD alone just this year and that makes it difficult to believe they are serious about saving water for Kansas as per the "Compact" that is at the root of the lawsuit between Kansas and Nebraska.

I imagine there is some accounting method or other technicality that allows this to happen, and I would like to see it explained; but from a distance is looks like a SHAM.

I think one of your newspapers up there should follow up on this and find out the reasoning/excuse for it. The minutes of the NRD's in the state are a matter of public record and I am thinking there have been far more "Variances" approved than denied in the last few years.

A variance hearing is really not too effective if they are "rubber stamped" as approved every time. Besides the newspapers listed, I will be sending a copy of this letter to the Nebraska DNR (Does Not Regulate) and maybe they will pay more attention; the Natural Resources Conservation Service could likely be a little more vigilant also but this is a state issue.

I would not be surprised if some of the new pivots being installed are by some of the very people who were caught circumventing the rules in the URNRD.

Sorry Big Red but you can't win playing this way!


Kansas Kenny Kavanaugh

Salina, Kansas

Cc: Omaha World Herald, Lincoln Journal Star, North Platte Telegraph, Nebraska Department of Natural Resources

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  • Then let's settle this on the Football Field!!!

    -- Posted by Hugh Jassle on Tue, Jul 27, 2010, at 10:23 PM
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