
When it comes to spending

Monday, June 28, 2010

Like many states, Nebraska state government has a requirement when it comes to spending. Locked in the state's constitution is a provision that requires a balanced budget. There is no borrowing and no deficit spending. It's not easy to do, but during eight years as governor I balanced the state budgets without raising taxes by making tough choices when it came to spending.

Now as a U.S. Senator I'm trying to insert that value into Washington spending, which is why I have insisted the Tax Extenders bill the Senate has been working on be paid for as much as possible. Unfortunately, it has contained a lot of extra new spending that goes right onto the federal deficit.

Just Say No

I've voted no on the bill a number of times because, while each revised proposal lowered the deficit spending, it's still too much. The latest one would have added $33 billion to the deficit, which this year could hit $1.4 trillion for the second year in a row.

In 2008 and 2009, America was on the brink of a depression. We had a genuine emergency that required immediate action to keep the economy from a complete collapse that could have gone global. Borrowing and deficit spending in a major economic crisis is one thing. But when you're in an economic recovery as we are today, borrowing and deficit spending is another thing.

Some say that a flood of new emergency government spending is needed to keep the recovery going. In my view, it could do the opposite and wash away the recovery. It's risky to keep borrowing in a recovery. We just pile up more debts for our children to pay.

Curb Deficit Spending

Taxpayers are demanding fiscal responsibility and we need to listen to them.

I understand the need to extend unemployment insurance benefits for Nebraskans and other Americans who remain out of work, but prefer we find cuts in federal spending and other ways to pay for those benefits.

Some also have said we need this emergency spending to bail out cash-strapped states. The National Governors Association has asked Congress for $24 billion in additional Medicaid funding to help them through hard times.

Stop Unfunded Mandates

The real problem is that Washington has got to stop passing unfunded mandates like this one onto the states. I've fought unfunded federal mandates for two decades.

When I pushed to eliminate the unfunded mandate in the health reform bill last December, I was ridiculed by several governors, and some aspiring governors. Today, though, they want more money. And we all know they will want more later.

Like many Americans, I've got bailout fatigue. Whether it's bailing out Wall Street, Detroit, or the states, taxpayers just can't afford any more. In addition, with hundreds of millions of economic recovery dollars still not spent in Nebraska and other states, it's irresponsible to raise the deficit in Washington to balance budgets in state capitals.

Nebraskans want Washington to stop the spending, cut the deficit and live within a responsible budget, and I'm working to deliver that as their senator.

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  • Why are you such a hypocrite and liar? The Health Insurance bill is going to be a huge tax that is going to cripple the economy in the years to come. The current Democrat party is about to let taxes go up a lot next year.

    I predict that the market and the economy is going to tank over the next two years and it is your fault.

    Your column above is all a lie. How can you publish such garbage? Your record proves your actions - not what you write!

    Your vote allowed the Health Insurance bill to pass. It is all your fault. The people of Nebraska will not let you get away with it.

    -- Posted by wallismarsh on Mon, Jun 28, 2010, at 8:25 PM
  • When the tax cuts Bush got through expire the economy is not going to recover it willl get worse. Raising taxes in a downturn is the worst possible thing you can do. Just another article by both ways Ben. So if spending and deficits got us out of a near Depression why won't more spending get us into prosperity and make all our troubles go away? Fact is this huge stimulus did not create jobs.

    -- Posted by Chaco1 on Mon, Jun 28, 2010, at 9:51 PM
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