Letter to the Editor

Personal responsibility

Friday, June 25, 2010

Dear Editor,

Speaking as a retired police detective, there is only one large fly in your soup, as you promote drug courts.

Namely, you still require my profession to take out millions of hours of our time to chase someone with a drug issue. Thus we miss the deadly threats of DUI, pedophiles and people flying airplanes into buildings.

As the two deadliest drugs (tobacco and alcohol) kill thousands a day, pretty soon the liberals who like prohibition will make those drugs illegal, requiring us to spend all of our time chasing people who mostly hurt themselves.

Why not treat all drugs like tobacco and booze? If you have a problem, see a doctor or suffer and die. Can you spell personal responsibility?

Howard Wooldridge,

Detective/officer (retired)

Drug Policy Specialist, COP - www.CitizensOpposingProhibition.org

Washington, DC

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