Letter to the Editor

Less than thrilled

Monday, February 8, 2010

Dear Editor,

In his letter to the editor on Feb. 4, Republican "Mucky Wuck" John Sieler shared information about the money his entourage spent in McCook on feed, lodging, etc., during their recent gathering. He failed to mention that the Republican Party also spent money to put up its billboard message on the east end of town.

John also said that everyone he spoke with was friendly and cordial. Obviously, he didn't talk to enough people. A lot of good folks in McCook are less than thrilled by the "Boot Ben Nelson" sign. It is tacky, petty, small and maybe even mean-spirited to put this up in Mr. Nelson's hometown. The election for our next U.S. Senator is a long way down the road, so we wonder what other craziness we can expect.

Duane Tappe,


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  • I love the sign!

    -- Posted by remington81 on Mon, Feb 8, 2010, at 2:31 PM
  • Duane, I think you're confusing the majority of this town with the small circle of McCook elite you run with that are seated at the slobber trough of goodies coming down from Benny's office.

    The majority of this town is just like the rest of the town and fed up with crappy, lying politicains.

    I'm tired of having to put on a nice face around town because of the old people that may throw egg at you if you disagree with Ben, or want him gone.

    There's more to serving as a US senator for your state that beating down the constitution like a pinata during an 8 year old's party to see how much money will spill out that you can take home with you.

    We need to get this country back on track, not bring home pork that our kids will living in a 3rd world country because of.

    I think the scales have finally tipped in this town and we don't have to be afraid anymore.

    There's nothing wrong with being proud of a McCook son, but he's overstayed his welcome in DC, we're **** tired of everything being named after him, and we want a new type of politician in DC!

    -- Posted by Justin76 on Mon, Feb 8, 2010, at 9:41 PM
  • I for one will be working to get Ben defeated when the election comes round.

    -- Posted by Chaco1 on Tue, Feb 9, 2010, at 5:55 PM
  • I too am tired not only of the crappy lying politicians, I'm tired of the polarization. Both parties are responsible for the mess we're in and they both need to own up to not being able to walk on water.

    If they'd focus on the needs of the people and forget the party they belong to and the planks they tout, America would be a lot better off.

    -- Posted by old grouch on Wed, Feb 10, 2010, at 7:33 AM
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