School budget calls for slight tax hike

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

McCook school board members passed a $20 million budget Monday night, calling for $5.2 million in local property taxes.

That amounts to a 1.09 percent increase over last year's tax request, with the money going toward the general fund, bond fund and special building fund.

The money is generated with local taxes of $1.05 per $100 valuation, as subject to a state lid, plus another $.137875 in levies not included under the lid, for a total levy of $1.187875, compared to about $1.22 last year. Higher valuations allowed the levy to be reduced while bringing in nearly 2 percent more money, however.

A summary of expenditures showed that 81 percent of the fixed and variable expenditures, or $12 million, will go toward payroll, and $3.7 million toward other expenses such as maintenance, transportation, building budgets and a variety of items.

Financial director Rick Haney pointed out that on paper, the budget is more than $800,000 in the red, but that's because revenues, budgeted at $15 million, are routinely estimated low, while expenses, budgeted at nearly $16 million, are projected high.

"We're hoping through careful management and fortuitous revenues, it will be balanced by the end of the year," he reassured the board.

Becky Goodenberger, a high school junior was sworn in as student representative on the board, elected from a field of seven candidates.

In other business:

* A consultant's safety audit pointed out the need for replacing burned-out exit lightbulbs and the need for teachers to wear identification badges in case of an emergency. Superintendent Grant Norgaard and Haney noted that the short list of deficiencies was progress from the days when the old ward schools presented many safety problems.

* The board approved a donation of $810 from Brown's Shoe Fit. Co. and corporate sponsor New Balance from a fundraiser for the Cross Country team.

* Barry Schaeffer reviewed the new computerized summer school credit recovery classes, saying they were a "very successful program." He said almost all participants completed at least one class during the summer, meaning they wouldn't have to repeat it in regular sessions this fall.

* The board unanimously approved a change in the calendar to call for a 1 p.m. dismissal Tuesday, Nov. 24, for a teacher in-service on writing assessments.

* In the "Positive Comments" portion of the meeting, board member Diane Lyons lauded the band for practicing even on a day the instructor was gone; and Becky Goodenberger said she had a new appreciation of how much work it takes to make a school function.

Haney noted his office would be busy with an audit for the next few days, Norgaard complimented Sharon Bohling for her involvement with student activities, and board member Tom Bredvick said he is impressed with the amount of parental involvement he has observed recently.

At the end of the meeting, the board went into executive session to discuss the administrative compensation package.

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