
Here's the scoop ... about Preview

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Many of our readers noticed a change in last week's TV Preview Section. No, let me correct that -- a lot of our readers noticed a change. We'd like to thank everyone who called, e-mailed and wrote to us about the change. We really mean that -- we need to know what you think, the good, the bad, and the indifferent.

We changed our TV Listings in an effort to save money, just as many businesses and individuals have made cuts during this economic challenge. We purchase our TV listings from an outside supplier and the cost of the service has increased significantly over the years. The latest price increase was simply too much, and we did not want to raise subscription rates to our subscribers or advertising rates to our advertisers to cover that cost. The new supplier's pricing is significantly lower in price -- in fact it is bundled as part of a service we were already purchasing. But there are a few channels that are no longer available, specifically PBS and the Hallmark channel. And no weekend daytime listings.

We will continue to look for ways to improve the TV Listings section while keeping our subscription and advertising rates affordable. Many newspapers have eliminated a TV section altogether and simply print the listings one day at a time in the regular newspaper. We opted not to take that step at this time.

Please do not hesitate to contact us with your concerns. We really need to know what sections of the newspaper our readers find valuable and why.

-- Skiles is publisher of the McCook Daily Gazette

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