Letter to the Editor

Those Old Trees!*

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

By the grace of God, they survived, grew new limbs, scions and seeds! They lived!

The old trees had been ravaged by wars, two of them at least, and storms and pestilence and disease. But by God, they clung to their mother Earth, hung in there, and with kind Man's help, survived.

Their broken trunks, shattered limbs, and twisted bodies were carefully tended by their beneficiaries, the populace of farmers, woodsmen and townsmen. Their fragmented bodies and limbs were carefully gathered and carried by the people to their homes, farms, villages and cities where they still served them by heating their food, warming their homes and keeping the snows of winter, the rains of spring, and the heat of summer off their beings; babies, playing children, mothers, dads, and the old ones.

The old trees not only survived, but provided food and shelter from all the elements, and cool shade where children played while beautiful music played. Through the green-leafed ceiling one could see the blue sky where soft pastel clouds drifted by in the evening sun, and by night the soft moonlight on cooling breeze, a place of love.

They had stayed the ravages of storm, time and man. But by the grace of God, they survived!

Lyle Wilcox,


*Inspired by the trees of the Argonne, and Norris Park

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