Letter to the Editor

Protect wilderness

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Dear Editor,

Congress will soon vote on the Omnibus Public Land Management Act, a far-reaching bill that would protect wilderness areas, rivers, heritage sites, and parks on public lands across the United States.

These wilderness areas and other protected lands provide great benefits to rural economies by increasing property values, providing new economic opportunities in recreation and tourism, and creating desirable places for people to live and work.

Perhaps more importantly, the legislation will protect the special places that make America so wonderful. These amazing parks, rivers and historic sites will be preserved for the enjoyment of present and future generations.

The nation is having a hard time, due to the economic crisis. In times like these, it becomes even more important for people to have a place to get away from it all and enjoy the peace and quiet of nature. The omnibus land act will provide just these opportunities.

Your representative should vote for this measure. This legislation is good for our state and good for America.


Andrew Yeager


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