Letter to the Editor

Nothing naive about it

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Dear Editor,

Councilman Kircher -- Good for you.

Stick to your guns and your values. I was dismayed that city staff and other council members had to resort to petty name calling, regarding your objection to the city applying for funds from the so-called eco­nomic stimulus package, by saying you are "na*ve." You were absolutely correct in asserting that the J Street repairs are already in­cluded in the budget and the city didn't actually need the money.

Also, I was not aware that dissent and not going along with the crowd is na*ve.

If you should choose to run again for council, Mr. Kircher, you sure have my vote.

Thank you,

Don Schaaf


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  • I understand where Mr. Kircher and Mr. Schaaf are coming from. BUT the facts are that the stimulus package is going to distribute money for projects across the nation. The money is going to be spent, and my grandkids and probably their kids will be paying the tax bill. It will not make any difference if McCook declines the money, it will still be spent, in someplace like Lincoln or Omaha. SO why let Omaha get a bigger piece of the pie? The Omaha World Herald has already shown "greater" Nebraska what they think of us, we pass up the 1/2 million and the Omaha city council will laugh all the way to the handout window. Time to change our conservative attitudes just a little and accept some of the money. What we are getting...1/2 million...is like a fly speck on the side of the Keystone building...but that's another subject.

    -- Posted by goarmy67 on Fri, Feb 6, 2009, at 11:43 AM
  • Perhaps you should re-read the article on this and you would see that Mr. Kircher's point was not to decline the money IF the funds were available, which they are not. He refused to support the passage of this bill by asking for funds from a bill that has not passed. This community would be better off if this bill does not pass than if it does pass and we did receive the half million dollars. The increase in income taxes needed to pay for this could easily cost our area more than $500,000 not to mention the financial jeopardy it puts us in as a nation, far into the future and the careless spending included in the bill. I believe that we should remain strong in our "conservative attitudes" now, more than ever. Why should anyone be forced to support a bad bill they don't believe will work?

    -- Posted by McCook1 on Fri, Feb 6, 2009, at 12:48 PM
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