
Changes continue

Monday, November 19, 2007

We hope you enjoy the photos from the championship football games in today's edition, and a short video on our Web site.

It's an illustration of just how much the newspaper business has changed over the years, that we would be providing video and electronic editions to our readers.

Military personnel on the far side of the world can read their hometown news as quickly as their friends and relatives back home do.

As with any product, the Gazette is redesigned from time to time, and we have a couple of minor changes planned in the near future.

For one, we have a new nameplate, for the front page, which will be instantly recognizable as the Gazette, but which will allow for more flexible design.

For another, we plan to move the opinion page to page four, which will allow for more use of color, inside the paper and on the covers.

Page two will become home to more Nebraska news, as well as stories continued from page one. Page three will become home to top stories from the nation and around the world.

We hope our readers don't mind the inconvenience of turning an extra page to find the opinion section.

Please let us know what you think about these changes, and anything else about the paper.

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