Letter to the Editor

New syndrome

Monday, October 8, 2007

Dear Editor,

In this era we live in there is a name for everything as if it is a disease. The perfect example is the BDS and RDS that Mr. Matson gave us [("A case of BDS" (http://www.mccookgazette.com/story/1281642.html)].

Charles Krauthammer "coined" this phrase as Mr. Matson noted.

Now a days anyone can name a new disease so let me give it a try: this new disease afflicts the 28 percenters in this country. We all know them, they suffer from the opposite of those afflicted with BDS. Nothing Bush does is wrong or to be more exact anything that goes wrong is someone else's fault.

It is called BS, or simply Bush Syndrome. Another common name for this is finger pointing, though we all know Bushites don't finger point. Bush takes us into a war (with Congress' help) against the advice of his generals and when it goes wrong it's not Bush's fault, it's Congress' for letting him. Bush receives a guitar in California the day the Katrina hits instead of being in a command center and then waits to send in the National Guard?

Bush's fault? No, no it's the state of Louisiana's fault (or as sometime's called the state of New Orleans by someone afflicted with this disease), there is NO WAY that Bush could have known how bad it was, because there was virtually no coverage of this hurricane.

Another symptom of this disease is giving every issue, EVERY issue that we face a cute little name so that it doesn't scare us. It's not a war, it's Iraqi Freedom. It's not education reform (nasty word isn't it?) it's, No Child Left Behind.

Even more symptoms include believing that if you don't believe in a war you are incapable of supporting the troops, if you are liberal (or even a conservative democrat) then you obviously either don't believe in God or are the spawn of Satan, the actual belief that it is the Democrat Party and not the Democratic Party, that even though we haven't caught Osama (don't worry Bush isn't worried about him either) and we are stretched so thin in Iraq that we are barely able to protect or own country that we need to open a new front in the war with Iran.

This is a new symptom brought about by a new BSer, formerly of the DemocratIC Party, Joe Lieberman.

We have seen the BS get a little worse in the last weeks when Congress took time out of their busy schedule, what with a war going on, to condemn a newspaper AD. One wonders when Congress will condemn Rush Limbaugh for calling soldiers who don't support the war, phony soldiers.

Well since Congress is full of BSers I wouldn't expect it anytime soon.

Though they are quick to condemn someone from the other side they will fight to the death (actually they'll have someone else do it, they are too busy getting deferrals from service to actually fight) to protect one of their own who has said the same, if not in some cases worse, thing as a "BDS."

Just read my new book on the affliction of BS and how we can stop it. It should be out early next year.

But wait, according to the BSers I'm a no-good, lazy, Godless, liberal so obviously I can't read or write.

Have a wonderful day.

Michael Curtis,

via e-mail

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  • I have no respect for Bush. Two things: When the secret service person told him about 9-11 he was sitting in a grade school. Could he find it in himself to stand up and say 'excuse me, I'm needed elsewhere' NO way.

    I have yet to see anything that would make me believe he is capable of running the greatest country in the would

    -- Posted by kenosb on Mon, Oct 8, 2007, at 2:15 PM
  • I may not agree with all President Bush says/does...however, think what might be if Obama gets into office...swearing in on the Koran? Do we want this type person with connectiong to terrorists running our country? Let's count our blessings.

    -- Posted by Sara on Mon, Oct 8, 2007, at 6:42 PM
  • For Michael Curtis:

    You have my respect for your frank, well observed honesty. I ditto your sentiments.


    Tina Louise

    -- Posted by tinalouise on Tue, Oct 9, 2007, at 12:29 PM
  • Sara,

    I urge you to produce an ounce of proof that if Obama were elected, there would be swearing in on the freakin' Koran! I would love to read it.

    Your ignorance is shameful.

    -- Posted by thedave on Thu, Oct 11, 2007, at 4:18 PM
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