Rising to the rain challenge

Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Gene O. Morris/McCook Daily Gazette

Old Settler's Picnic committee members, from left, Mike Malleck, Paul Schaffert, Ann Teel, Rod Sheets, Rick Teel, Tom Sughroue and Doug Shadley, are ready for their big week. After rain problems interrupted the musical program at the 2006 picnic, committee members decided enough was enough. Rather than face the risk of another rainout, the Old Settler's Committee took matters into its own hands, buying a semi trailer and converting it into a covered, movable band shell. The stage, built into the side of the trailer, is made of steel with a tread plate for safety. It is 8 feet wide and 24 feet long. To celebrate the band shell's completion, committee members gathered Tuesday at the south end of Indianola's Main Street. Showing the strength of the stage, committee members combined to drape more than 1,000 pounds of weight over the front of the band stand. The 105th Old Settlers Celebration begins Friday evening and concludes Sunday afternoon. The big day is Saturday, with events starting at 7:30 in the morning and lasting until late into the night. Blackberry Winter will return as the featured musical group. Rod Sheets' dog, Jules, is out front in support of the celebration.

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