Letter to the Editor

Safety on campus

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Dear Editor,

Once again, we see in the news another massacre of the defenseless, this time at Virginia Tech. Much mention is made in the mainstream media of what a troubled young man the killer was, how the warning signs were ignored, and how easily he was able to legally buy the guns he used.

Virtually NO mention is made in the mainstream media of another factor.  For those reading this online, or with Internet access, I will provide links for what I am about to tell you, so that you may read it for yourself, in its entirety.

In January 2006, House Bill 1572 died in subcommittee in the Virginia legislature.  HB1572 would have allowed college students and employees who had valid Virginia CCW permits to carry their weapons on college campuses.  Virginia Tech spokesman Larry Hincker praised this action, stating, "...this will help parents, students, faculty and visitors feel safe on our campus."  http://www.roanoke.com/news/roanoke/wb/wb/xp-50658

See also




Hincker fails to understand that policies, rules and laws depend upon VOLUNTARY compliance. I would say "failed," in the past tense, but I suspect that even this horrific incident will only cause Hincker and those like him to circle the wagons to defend his position.

Where weapons are prohibited, it is not precisely a "gun-free zone" that is created.  Rather, it may be more accurately described as a "victim disarmament zone," which all too often, as in the Trolley Square mall incident in Salt Lake City, becomes a playground for psychopaths.

We don't get to choose the option where nobody carries guns. We only get to choose whether or not the law-abiding carry guns. That's because criminals are, by definition, those who disobey laws.

Owen J. McPhillips


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