Letter to the Editor

Other side of story

Friday, April 13, 2007

Dear Editor,

This letter is in reply to Daniel McCarville.

Your sister got hurt and you are angry, but before you condemn a boy you don't know or a family you have never met, perhaps you should take a step back and look at what values have not yet been instilled in your own family.

This young lady not only watched as at least two of her friends hit this boy, according to videotape and witnesses, she also chose to get out of her seat, cross the bus aisle and strike him on the head. Where was her compassion for another human being?

Maybe if someone had bothered to teach this girl that her actions bring repercussions this incident would not have occurred.

Many adults, I'm sure would have struck back after such provocation. Naturally, this boy got mad and reacted.  Was she disciplined for her actions? As far as I know, she was not.

He has faced the consequences and is still facing the consequences every day. He was also disciplined for his actions in the hope that he would learn a lesson. He certainly did. He learned that if someone hits and he fights back, he will be the only one to answer for his actions. Nice lesson for a kid to learn.


Tammy Downey,


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