Letter to the Editor

A spin, not a myth

Thursday, March 22, 2007

A spin, not a myth

Dear Editor,

It seems there is a big myth about this whole time change. In the first place, I base my findings on science facts, from people with doctorates and degrees, not myths.

You yourself know if we set the clocks back one hour, it would be dark one hour earlier. Not Rocket Science. This is an observation we can make ourselves, you don't have to be a former anything.

But this is the case that the one-party system is doing to the country. They make you think we have two parties, but one thing is sure, "nothing gets done." Example: you are looking at the color yellow, you see yellow, but they tell you it is green, they swear up and down it is green. They expect you to finally break down and just say it is green. Not a myth but a "SPIN."

 Fact, yes at first it is dark when they change the time. But as the days go on in the year, they get longer. Just as they get shorter in the winter. Not a myth but science fact.  So in a few weeks, the buses are not in the dark, just some people.

We all need to be Americans, not something programmed by the big oil corporations to believe Yellow is Green.

Jerry Neiman


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