Letter to the Editor

Good luck with those cows

Friday, January 12, 2007

Dear Editor,

After my experience of having my boat stolen at Red Willow Lake with numerous eye witnesses and the Frontier County Sheriff comments in the Gazette that no charges would be filed ... that did change after I called the state attorney general's office and State Patrol. And then after reopening the case, they charged them with theft, but the good ol' boy network fined them 150 bucks, I am sure because one of the crooks was a friend of the sheriff and deputies is what they told me to my face. So good luck with your cattle starving. ["Neglected cows" (http://www.mccook gazette.com/story/1184839.html)]

I am sure the sheriff is a buddy of the guilty party also.

Darrell Potthoff,

Johnson Lake

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