Letter to the Editor

An enjoyable job?

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Dear Editor,

Have you ever had a job that you truly enjoyed, at least most of the time?

For nearly four and a half years, I was employed at Subway in McCook. Yes, there were many stressful times while working there, but as I worked the closing shift my last few years, a great sense of accomplishment was felt each night as I locked the store up for the day.

I thought about why I enjoyed this job so much, and I came to the realization that it was because of my interaction with people, many on a usual basis, that I truly enjoyed working there.

Over the years, I have made many bonds with people, some that I still don't have a clue of what their names are, but they know me!

These bonds weren't just with people my age, but both the young and the old. They range from the college baseball players to a Hershey Salesman who would be in town every Wednesday night.

It's an older couple that would bring a few friends every Wednesday night to enjoy a waffle cone; it's the radioman that comes to get his meatball sandwich and sometimes stays to eat with his parents who enjoy lunch there often. It's the freight man on Wednesdays, the late night coffee and ice cream guys, and the bus drivers that bring their teams in from other schools, and so many other people who walk through the doors.

All of these people have a different story, sometimes sharing them with me. Hearing their stories and being part of their life, even if it is just for their physical hunger needs, I have gained an understanding and better feel for the people of this community and believe that people do care more for each other in the rural communities.

Mike Garretson,


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