Ballot issue summaries available online

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

LINCOLN -- University of Nebraska-Lincoln faculty have prepared briefing papers about several ballot initiatives that will be before voters Nov. 7. ?The papers are posted on the Web through the UNL's Department of Agricultural Economics at Copies also are available at local UNL Extension offices.?Individual papers have been written about the following issues:?-- Initiative 421, which allows voters to decide whether to amend the Nebraska County and City Lottery Act to allow video keno gaming devices;?-- Initiative 422, which allows voters to decide whether to repeal a 2005 statute dissolving Class I school districts; and ?-- Initiative 423, which allows voters to decide whether to impose a constitutional amendment limiting state government spending.?Brad Lubben, UNL Extension public policy specialist and one of the authors of the papers, stressed that the publications are meant to be informational, not to advocate one side or another. The papers provide background information on the issues, the specific ballot language and a summary of pro and con views.?"The university has a longstanding tradition of providing education information on key ballot issues for Nebraska voters," Lubben said.?"We're providing a fair, factual and balanced discussion of the issue as a public service to Nebraska citizens."?Agricultural economics is part of the university's Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources.

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